Sunday, June 16, 2013

Easy Ways to Overcome Insomnia without Medicine

How to overcome insomnia - In the modern era, people have a new problem which is difficult to sleep facing. This problem is classified as a disease called insomnia. There are many people who use this issue in various parts of the world. Insomnia can be caused by many factors like psychological, stress and poor lifestyle habits. However, insomnia can be cured without drugs. There are several ways to overcome insomnia naturally.

Allowing myself to exercise regularly you can use any kind of sports activities that can’t be physically draining. Types of exercises you can do, such as running, football or your favorite sport. Make sure sweating and gain a sense of fatigue. Have at least 30 minutes every day consistently. In addition help you to train muscles; this activity will also make you so that you will be tired at night, falling asleep more easily. But do not exercise two hours before bedtime.
How to overcome insomnia without medicine

Continue to live a healthy life with more attention to substances that are used for consumption. Reduce smoke, or if you quit smoking before bed, because smoking makes you awake. Stop drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol can be very sore head, making it difficult to sleep your brain. Do not forget to drink coffee before bed to avoid.

In addition to the discipline and routine, like waking up before 7:30 am to sleep before 11:30. First, it is difficult to apply this habit, but eventually your body will adjust. If you are in the afternoon or evening shower try using hot water or warm water. It can improve blood circulation in the body. Good blood circulation effect is that you are relaxed and better sleep quality.

You have several ways to treat insomnia without drugs. You can try without breaking the bank. If all the above methods do not alter the disease insomnia, then it is time you need medical care. This means that you are suffering from severe insomnia.